Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Year of Wall Art

2012 was a big year for me creatively, and while I blogged about some projects, here are a few wall art pieces that I never posted for various reasons. 

This piece was definitely the most inspired.  My raw materials were various pieces of paper, paint, fabric, and thread.  I am very happy with the end result, and I don't feel like the photograph does it justice.  The yellow square is a dryer sheet with a poem about the ocean written on it.  It's a lot of work, but I would like to create more art quilts in the future, as it's an opportunity to tell a story through mixed media. 

The above two pieces represent my foray into subway art.  The top one is a tribute to Austin, TX.  The bottom one is a tribute to my sister and bro-lo and memorable streets for them.  Raw materials were wood, paint, wax, sandpaper, mod podge, and the street names printed on legal paper. 

This is pinterest-inspired paint chip art.  (I fixed the wonky "a" before giving it to my mom to hang in her studio.)  Definitely not the most creative piece, but I like the study in color it offers. Raw materials: paint chips, card stock, double sided tape. Pretty lo-tech. 

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