Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentines 3.0

If you've been on the Patti Wagon for the last year, you know that my family has a very special Valentine's Day tradition. We send each other homemade cards every year.  I have chronicled years past here and here.  I look forward to it as much as the Thanksgiving stuffing, body surfing contests, and Jon Solomon's 24-hour Christmas radio show (other Clayton family traditions). 

I have been in a bit of a crafting rut lately, so I went with my old standby, pop culture. 

For my mom: 
(For the record, I feel terrible about this. I made the card before this happened.)

And another UK-centric card for my dad: 
Anyone out there get it???

And cheesy pop music for Laurel: 

And these are the cards I received this year. 

From mom: 

And from dad, including a new font on the envelope!

And from Laurel, a reference to the greatest internet cat video ever

Check out Studio Adventures for more cards from this year. A family that puns together, stays together.  Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day!