On a previous post, I discussed my family's tradition of making each other Valentine's Day cards every year. I guess writing that blog post got me in the spirit because I was super excited this year. But then again, it is my favorite part about Valentine's Day. Watching my students carry around copious amount of commercialized crap definitely isn't. DIY is the only way to my heart. You can see more Valentines on my mom's blog here.
Here are the cards I made:
For my dad:
And for my mom:
For Laurel:
See the smarties hanging out the edges of the pants? Completely adorable, right?
I obviously had a knitting theme going. I hope this marks the start of me getting back into knitting. I have my eye on an infinity scarf pattern.
Here are the cards I received:
From my mom:

I love how she was able to give the heart personality with only one eye and a smile. So artistic!
From my dad:
Love the Tom Clayton original photography.
And from Laurel:
A Valentine's guitar! With message on the back: You ROCK my world.
Happy Valentine's Day!
AWESOME! i've been waiting for this post!